来源:http://www.taiheth.com 作者:泰河电子工程 2019年04月02
Utilize Clipped Sine Waveform in Circuit Design
•Clipped sine waveform is the most popular output option for TCXOs.
–Low power consumption for improved thermal characteristics - Better aging and frequency stability performance
- 低功耗,改善热特性 - 更好的老化和频率稳定性能
–Better phase noise performance than CMOS output
- 比CMOS输出更好的相位噪声性能
Using Clipped Sine Waveform with Chipset having Input Buffer

•To convert the clipped sine waveform to a square waveform signal such as CMOS, an input buffer is necessary.
•Generally, ICs that TCXO’s output going into would have input buffer functionality integrated inside the chip. Oscillator circuit should have Rf feedback resistor connected in parallel with the inverter.
•通常,TCXO输出的IC将在芯片内部集成输入缓冲功能。 振荡器电路应具有与逆变器并联的Rf反馈电阻。
•If the IC does not have Rf resistor inside then an Rf resistor would need to be added externally between input pin and output pins of the inverter.
•The external Rf resistor value shall be between 100K to 10M ohm.
•Except for the 7x5mm product lines, a 1000 pF capacitor needs to be placed in series between the TCXO output pin and the IC clock input pin for all the other smaller form-factor TAITIEN TCXOs.
•除7x5mm产品系列外,对于所有其他更小尺寸的TAITIEN TCXO,需要在TCXO输出引脚和IC时钟输入引脚之间串联一个1000 pF电容。
Using Clipped Sine Waveform with Chipset without Input Buffer

•If the IC does not have input buffer functionality incorporated, an inverter such as 74HC04 and an Rf resistor would need to be added in series between the output pin of the TCXO and the clock input pin of the IC to convert the clipped sine waveform to a square waveform
•如果IC没有内置输入缓冲器功能,则需要在TCXO的输出引脚和IC的时钟输入引脚之间串联一个74HC04和Rf电阻等反相器,以将限幅正弦波转换为 方波
•The external Rf resistor value shall be between 100K to 10M ohm.
•Except for the 7x5mm product lines, a 1000 pF capacitor needs to be placed in series between the TCXO output pin and the IC clock input pin for all the other smaller form-factor TAITIEN TCXOs.
•除7x5mm产品系列外,对于所有其他更小尺寸的TAITIEN TCXO,需要在TCXO输出引脚和IC时钟输入引脚之间串联一个1000 pF电容。
Using Clipped Sine Waveform in Conjunction with Oscillator IC

•TAITIEN TCXO with clipped sine wave output can also be used in conjunction with an oscillator IC to generate square wave output for the chip set.
•具有限幅正弦波输出的TAITIEN TCXO也可与振荡器IC配合使用,为芯片组生成方波输出。
•The output from TCXO needs to be connected to the crystal input pin on the oscillator IC and the output pin from the oscillator IC shall be connected to the input pin on the chip set.
•Except for the 7x5mm product lines, a 1000 pF capacitor needs to be placed in series between the TCXO output pin and the IC clock input pin for all the other smaller form-factor TAITIEN TCXOs.
•除7x5mm产品系列外,对于所有其他更小尺寸的TAITIEN TCXO,需要在TCXO输出引脚和IC时钟输入引脚之间串联一个1000 pF电容。
•Clipped sine waveform is the most popular output option for TCXOs.
–Low power consumption for improved thermal characteristics - Better aging and frequency stability performance
- 低功耗,改善热特性 - 更好的老化和频率稳定性能
–Better phase noise performance than CMOS output
- 比CMOS输出更好的相位噪声性能
Using Clipped Sine Waveform with Chipset having Input Buffer

•To convert the clipped sine waveform to a square waveform signal such as CMOS, an input buffer is necessary.
•Generally, ICs that TCXO’s output going into would have input buffer functionality integrated inside the chip. Oscillator circuit should have Rf feedback resistor connected in parallel with the inverter.
•通常,TCXO输出的IC将在芯片内部集成输入缓冲功能。 振荡器电路应具有与逆变器并联的Rf反馈电阻。
•If the IC does not have Rf resistor inside then an Rf resistor would need to be added externally between input pin and output pins of the inverter.
•The external Rf resistor value shall be between 100K to 10M ohm.
•Except for the 7x5mm product lines, a 1000 pF capacitor needs to be placed in series between the TCXO output pin and the IC clock input pin for all the other smaller form-factor TAITIEN TCXOs.
•除7x5mm产品系列外,对于所有其他更小尺寸的TAITIEN TCXO,需要在TCXO输出引脚和IC时钟输入引脚之间串联一个1000 pF电容。
Using Clipped Sine Waveform with Chipset without Input Buffer

•If the IC does not have input buffer functionality incorporated, an inverter such as 74HC04 and an Rf resistor would need to be added in series between the output pin of the TCXO and the clock input pin of the IC to convert the clipped sine waveform to a square waveform
•如果IC没有内置输入缓冲器功能,则需要在TCXO的输出引脚和IC的时钟输入引脚之间串联一个74HC04和Rf电阻等反相器,以将限幅正弦波转换为 方波
•The external Rf resistor value shall be between 100K to 10M ohm.
•Except for the 7x5mm product lines, a 1000 pF capacitor needs to be placed in series between the TCXO output pin and the IC clock input pin for all the other smaller form-factor TAITIEN TCXOs.
•除7x5mm产品系列外,对于所有其他更小尺寸的TAITIEN TCXO,需要在TCXO输出引脚和IC时钟输入引脚之间串联一个1000 pF电容。
Using Clipped Sine Waveform in Conjunction with Oscillator IC

•TAITIEN TCXO with clipped sine wave output can also be used in conjunction with an oscillator IC to generate square wave output for the chip set.
•具有限幅正弦波输出的TAITIEN TCXO也可与振荡器IC配合使用,为芯片组生成方波输出。
•The output from TCXO needs to be connected to the crystal input pin on the oscillator IC and the output pin from the oscillator IC shall be connected to the input pin on the chip set.
•Except for the 7x5mm product lines, a 1000 pF capacitor needs to be placed in series between the TCXO output pin and the IC clock input pin for all the other smaller form-factor TAITIEN TCXOs.
•除7x5mm产品系列外,对于所有其他更小尺寸的TAITIEN TCXO,需要在TCXO输出引脚和IC时钟输入引脚之间串联一个1000 pF电容。
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